Monday, January 30, 2012

Written Jan 13, but Published Jan 30

I decided to keep up with this blog even though Honor's Orientation is over. I am learning so much, and I would like to have a place to put down whatever I learn and hope that something helps someone else. After all, it was the stories of others that helped me to see and escape the cage-of-my-own-doing.

Classes this semester are beginning to be a little overwhelming. :/ My friends (you know who you are) are amazing as always. Way too amazing for my study habits. Speaking of amazing, Robbie still is. :) God is so good and powerful. Everyday something new and beautiful pops out at me. Those moments usually happen when I'm with Robbie. I love him and want to keeps him...

Girls, never settle! Guys, you either! There are people out there who want the same things you want and believe in the same things you do. I think sometimes girls decide to like guys who are so unworthy of them because they think it makes them look superior or spiritual because they are seeing the guy's potential instead of  whatever it is everyone else sees. There is compassion, girls, and there is recklessness. A man who is incapable of taking care of his own spiritual life will not be able to lead you in yours. A man who is emotionally immature and hurt can't care for your heart like he needs to. The Lord is able to bring two hearts together more completely and perfectly than any effort on our part can every accomplish. Wait for Him! And love Him, too.

I wish I could give something to the guys out there. Maybe it's this: we (girls in general) want you to succeed. We want you to win our hearts. But the girls worth having, my brothers, will not hand out the keys to their spiritual, emotional, and physical well-being without commitment on your part. I suppose there are girls who will tease you, lead you on and then dump you. From all the rest of us, I apologize. Your woman should help you to feel like a success. I heard once that there are very few things a man cannot endure if the woman he loves is faithful to whisper belief into his ear. May it be true of us.

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