Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Service, Sacrifice, and Obedience

Choose one of the following prompts to respond to
1. What does Oswald Chambers mean when he says ‘The greatest competitor of devotion to Jesus is service for Him”? (39-40) What are some of the examples of ways students might allow service to Jesus to interfere with devotion to Jesus? 

 Oswald Chambers is making a point. He is saying that often when we are in pursuit of service for Christ and trying to make a difference in the world around us, we get "tunnel vision". We start to think about our own problem to the exclusion of everything else, even God's small, still voice. In our service FOR Jesus, we begin to be devoted to the work, rather than the Lord.
Students might be tempted to use Bible homework as their quiet time. We might let our schedules become so overwhelmed with Passion groups and CAUSE ministries and outreaches and church work that we neglect our personal relationship with our Lord. Suddenly we realize we haven't cracked our Bible for a non-scholarly purpose in a few weeks. In our attempts to please God with our works, we have centered our faith around our own achievements. Such a self-centered faith is a counterfeit of a real relationship with God, which is built on His goodness, and not our own.

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