Thursday, October 25, 2012

Marriage Poem!

Ok, I am very excited about this poem. The form is a sestina. The poem has six stanzas: the first five stanzas have six lines and the last stanza has three lines. There are six seed words - one of these words (in my case, a form of the word or play on the word) ends each of the six lines; in the final stanza there are two seed words in each line. The seed words may seem to be randomly distributed, but there is a method to how they are arranged in each stanza. However, it is difficult to explain without being able to show you, and attempting to do so in this format would require more time than I have. My six seed words are perfect, time, sun, remember, if, and love. They take different forms like "son," "perfection," "loves," and "imperfections." In one way this poetry form can be quite difficult. But in another way, once you have a good seed word combination, the poem kinda writes itself. I had a great time writing and revising this poem and I have a product now that I thoroughly enjoy. I will probably keep tinkering, but for now this is the final draft. I hope you enjoy this poem entitled "Simple Instructions for a Perfect Marriage."

There is nothing to having a perfect
marriage. Live your life one day at a time.
Wash the dishes and the clothes. Greet the sun
with a smile. Do what you can. Remember
how you felt on your beautiful wedding day. And if
you can make the time – for you must – to make love

be sure to make the love
that lasts. No one expects perfection.
Be the best other half you can be. If
you run out of time,
you can never get it back. So remember
to say a kind word or none at all. The sun

rises each morning and the sun
sets every night. Tick, tock, tick, tock. Be loving.
Put the other first. Above all, remember
to pray together. No one can be perfect,
but maybe with His help you can get close. Time
flees like a bandit. Do not let it be stolen. If

you do these things, and if
you are these things, the Son
will help you through each day. Time
may fly, but enjoy it! Laugh at his silly joke! Love
each other’s quirks; his little imperfections
that only you know about. Remember

that your sweet husband remembers
that he loves you, even if
you are somewhat less than perfect.
Give him what he needs. Shine like the sun
only for him. Tell him you need, appreciate and love
him. He works so hard for your little family. Time

flies and he knows it – that is why when he gives his time
to play and snuggle and talk, remember
that he keeps trying, even when it’s hard to show you that he loves
you. And then – oh, what joy! – when you whisper into his ear: “If
two are so very happy, imagine the arrival of our son!
For soon we will be three, our own little family. Nothing could be more perfect.”

Love is the hardest thing to be. If
only we had more time to become more perfect
lovers. Reader! Remember what I said about the sun.

~Ariel Custer