Sunday, February 26, 2012

On the Day of My Engagement

I first woke up around 8:45, but snoozed the alarm until around 9:30, at which point I got up and around because I was meeting Robbie for lunch at noon, though I figured others would join us. That seems to happen a lot. People just flock to us. :) hehe anyway, since I knew I was going to dinner at 5:30 that evening with three other couples from church, all older and married. I decided that since I couldn't dress up much (I was working a camera for the play that night), I would curl my hair. I love having my hair curled, but it usually takes about 45 minutes to get it all curled up nicely. Plus, I like to have extra time to dink around, mess with music, and stuff. Oh, I also wanted to spend some time looking for contacts since I ran out of my dailies this week and have been wearing glasses.
Anyway, I texted Robbie at 11:30 (he has this habit of sleeping in, so I've learned to help him with a little morning sweet talk :D) and said, "G'monin." Lol, that cracks me up so much. Anyway, he responded with some real sweet talk and called me "girlfriend" for the very last time!! GASP! And then what happened?? Well I'll tell you what happened!
So we went to lunch at noon and others came and joined us. There was nothing suspicious going on that I noticed and had absolutely no idea he was going to propose though everyone else at the table knew! And there were FOUR of them! But that's a story that Robbie needs to tell because I wasn't actually there when they all discovered Robbie's plan the night before. So after lunch Robbie said he needed a nap. Now, at this point I was a little incredulous because as far as I knew, he had been asleep until 11:30, and we hadn't stayed up much past midnight. I thought, "Sheesh, how much sleep does he need??" Anyway, I just assumed he had some enormous sleep debt and decided that I could work on homework while he napped. So we said see you later and I went upstairs and grabbed my computer to have my "pre-study study break" hehe and spent the entire hour on David's Bridal looking at bridesmaid dresses. I already had my favorite wedding dress picked out and put in a wish list :D. Anyway, I also called my mom because my sister's basketball team was playing at the state tournament, so I talked with both my mom and my sister for a little while. When I admitted to my mom that I was SUPPOSED to be doing homework, but was browsing David's Bridal instead and had found "the perfect purple", she said "Very cool, too bad you don't have a ring. :(" Nearly at that moment, Robbie texted me the first clue and I told Mom, "Mom I'll get back to you in 30 min I think that's about to change!!"
And then began the adventure of seeking each successive clue, which he wrote in verse. My favorite clue was the final one, which had the line "to become husbands, men must take wives." The entire time I tried to not get my hopes up too high, but when I read that line, my heart quite beating and just starting vibrating. I ran from North to the creek and leaped into his arms, because there he was in all his handsomeness. He said, "Hi." and I said "Hi." :D Then he said that since we're going to dinner with all these married folks, he figured we should at least be engaged. Then he reached into his pocket, pulled out the ring, dropped to one knee and said, "So, Ariel Christine Regier, will you marry me?" And I said "I will!!" I don't why it didn't occur to me to say "yes", but my excuse is that I was pretty scatter-brained and breathless at the moment. And then we kissed for the VERY FIRST TIME!!
Not gonna lie, it was kinda clumsy and since I was smiling so widely we very nearly banged teeth. But we got the hang of it pretty fast, so don't you all worry about that. ;) :) Then we spent the next hour calling people, and I managed to overlook my poor faithful friend Mysti Rothfuss, so she gets to be in my engagement day blog to even it out. :)
The rest of the day sped by. It was around 3:30 then, so we went back to Mayfield and got ready for the dinner that evening, which was stinkin TORTURE because my cousins Derek and Kate were there, along with four complete strangers. I didn't know what to do and since I wasn't actually wearing the ring because it needed to be sized, I knew it wouldn't come up in shallow conversation. I tried to get someone to ask about it in a roundabout way because I checked my phone TWICE and TWICE I said that my phone would not stop vibrating because of all the Facebook notifications I was getting. I didn't want to just say, "Oh guess what! We've been engaged for two hours!" because then I knew that people would ask questions that we didn't have the answers to or worse, begin a long discourse on things we already knew. Now, I have nothing against questions or even discourses on marriage, but I had just met four of these people and had only recently begun to know Kate personally through women's chorus at school. I didn't want an awful and awkward evening. It's alright, though. :) I guess it's all out now!
So anyway, after dinner (which was SUPER AMAZING chicken enchiladas yum yum!!) I had to go to work and I was even a little late, but everyone knew what had happened and were smiley and happy for me. It was a great night of work and super fun. It was kinda awful that I had to spend five hours away from my brand new fiance (is that right or is it fiancee? I just don't know...I've never been engaged before :D) on the day we were engaged. 
But we made up for it! When I was finished with work at midnight, we went to the honor's house and watched Ever After, our very first movie as a betrothed couple. :D The movie finished at around 2:10, and we stayed up and talked until around 3:15. (I know this is very late. If you know Robbie, you know the man's Circadian rhythm is late by about three hours.) So anyway, after that we walked back to my room, kissed good night for the very first time, and I went upstairs and quietly got in bed and fell asleep. But not before I slid the ring off my pinky finger (I figured out it fit there :D) and placed it back in the box in the pocket of my coat so that I would not risk its falling off in the middle of the night.

So that is my one and only engagement day in a nutshell. :) I am engaged to be married to my other half, the man who completes and leads me. I am so excited to walk through this life hand-in-hand with the man of my dreams and my parent's prayers. But right now...I need to get ready for church!